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Showing posts from July, 2024

God Loves the Weak

You are loved in your weakness. You are loved in your depression. You are loved in your pain. Can you believe that! God loves the weak. Admitting I need help means setting aside my pride and revealing my weakness. Well I thought God wanted me to be this strong faith filled child. Now I realize that there is a humility in weakness that attracts God's power.  Proverbs 16:5 [5]Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord... Let weakness take the place of pride. He understands and will never never never never never leave you nor forsake you. God is an everlasting refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. (Deut 33:27) Weakness leads me to humility. It forces me to reveal my limits and incapabilities.  When I face God I'm thirsty for His wisdom and guidance. That's why God said His strength was made perfect in weakness.  All the more to glory in my infirmities. I rejoice for I know when I'm weak then I'm strong, for the joy of the Lord is my strength.

Soaking in the Word

Cognitive behavioral therapy, a technique used in talk therapy, focuses on changing my words to life-giving words. I've found that Jesus Christ is the sweetness to my soul and healing to my inner spirits.  He is the Word the truth and the life. The more I soak in the Word, the more I find it releasing a sweetness in my soul and healing my spirit.   Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words. For they release sweetness to our souls and inner healing to our spirits. "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 26:24 TPT God's Words are pleasant. I eat them and they are sweet. My mind finds comfort, my heart finds peace and my soul is delighted. Depression is depressing.  Nothing drags you down faster than negative thoughts. It would be far better for someone drowning with stones in his pocket than fighting negative thoughts. That was my mindset until I discovered that I could renew my mind using

Finding Peace during Depression

 Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Failing to find peace... I used to shy away from this verse. I felt condemned because I am human and, most times, I follow the world's standards to get peace. That means pushing myself even more, trying to be perfect, and hoping that people will like me, but that has meant death.  When I find peace... The more I feed my mind the truth that I'm not condemned because I'm in Christ: I find peace. Not of my own doing but the one that Christ gives me.   My mind begins to be spirit-filled with all the delicacies of God's unearned, unmerited, and undeserved grace. I enjoy peace. I find myself able to breathe and all the dry bones receiving the Spirit-filled Find the right peace in the right place...