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Showing posts from August, 2024

Your Struggles Reveal God's Glory.

At the time of writing this, I can't afford to attend a wellness day hosted by my psychologist. Am I sad, yes. Am I resentful, no.  I've been reading books by Max Lucado, and I can't help but rejoice in these light afflictions. I have no idea what your afflictions are, but rejoice in them for they are our share in the passion of Christ.  You and I have been created to reflect God's glory.  Find every opportunity in your afflictions.  Sometimes God doesn't give us the answers we seek but His Word should be our anchor. Anchor your soul to the heart of a loving Father. Anchor your soul to Christ the Saviour of the world.  The world sways you with its trends. Trends are a mirage, the closer you get the more they disappear, yet the Word remains true. It's a sturdy anchor for our hearts.  The Word quenches our thirsty souls.  "I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from my fears." Psalm 34:4 Seek Him and He will hear you. He will deliver you fr